How often do you go to the Farmers' Market?

Friday, November 8, 2013

Adventure 1: Questions

As the temperature gets colder, fruits and vegetables we normally find during the early summer are no longer available at the farmers’ market. As winter approaches, different local organic fruits and vegetables are arriving at the nearby farmers’ markets allowing us to have a new taste, combination in our diet and some facts that we can acquire from communicating with the vendors.

Once again I visited the Alemany’s farmers’ market this past Saturday. At that time, I did not have anything specific in mind that I wanted to purchase until I was given a phone call from my parents to buy basil leaves. I walked around and asked vendors about basil leaves and only one vendor was selling basil leaves for $3 dollars a bunch. I was wondering why this seemed quite expensive compared to the usual $1 per bunch I’ve seen before from other vendors and supermarkets. One of the vendors told me basil season is in the spring, not the winter and that’s why they were pricey. I decided to purchase the basil leaves…but with an offer to the vendor. I asked if I can purchase two for $5 dollars and he paused for a moment. He agreed to sell me the basil leaves and he even joked around about remembering my appearance to claim his $1 dollar back. After that purchase, I spoke to a different vendor from a different city not too far from San Francisco. She was talking to me about the two types of persimmons she was selling. The first type has a flattish shape and heavier weight compared to the second type that has more width and height, almost looking like a tomato when I first saw it. She offered me a whole persimmon as a sample. The persimmon was definitely sweet but I did not purchase any for myself and instead I purchased cilantro for $1 dollar a bunch from this vendor.

Visiting the farmers’ market this Saturday and speaking to vendors about basils and what they’re selling this season allowed me to feel bonded with the farmers’ market. Compared to a supermarket in which you are unlikely to acquire as much product information besides the sticker labels, shopping at a farmers’ market allows you to ask questions about their products, where they’re from and how they grew their fruits and vegetables. Here are some very basic questions you may ask vendors:

1. What city are your produces from?
2. How do you grow your fruits and vegetables?
3. Why do you come all the way here to sell at the farmers’ market?
4. What other locations do you sell your produces?

Asking ‘origin-like’ questions allows you to feel comfortable around the produces that you purchase and know where it’s from and how it was done.

Have you tried asking any questions to a vendor at the farmers’ market yet? Were you able to acquire any interesting facts? What are questions that you would ask? Share your story in the comment box below.


  1. No I have not because I have never went to a farmer's market.

  2. I always go to the local farmers market in my hometown with my mom whenever I home on the weekends to visit. I've never tried actually inquiring about any of the questions you suggested, but I definitely will keep them in mind the next time I'm there. Thanks for the great tips!
