How often do you go to the Farmers' Market?

Monday, December 16, 2013

My Leave

Time has come to an end. Having the opportunity to blog for the first time for a school assignment about the farmers’ market has given me a great experience in my writing. Not only did I learn more about the farmers’ market, I also learned more about my writing and how important it is to include my opinion in everything I write. Now I know how it feels like to be a blogger who types up paragraphs of opinion and information on a weekly basis.

I hope my readers enjoyed reading my ‘Adventures’ while gaining new information along the way that may or may not have convinced you to visit a farmers’ market. My gift to you is the knowledge I gained about picking fruits and vegetables from spending time with my parents. I hope you will pick out the best cherries, tomatoes and persimmons whenever you are doing grocery shopping. Remember to keep in mind, buy fruits and vegetables during its season for it will be cheaper and better quality. Also be careful of the things you eat in which you don’t know where it came from or how it was grown. If you do decide to visit the farmers’ market, remember to ask those simple questions to the representatives. Sometimes simple questions can give you surprising answers. Also if you have the time and is interested to know more about fast food companies and farms, I would recommend you to read the three books I read, listed on the post “The Overview.”

 Unfortunately I will discontinue blogging further about the famers’ markets by the end of this week. But feel free to continue to comment below on any posts if you need more tips and information about San Francisco Farmers’ Market and I will try my best to answer your question from what I know. Please understand I may not be able to respond as quickly as possible since I will be away from America.

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